Monday, September 5, 2011

leap of Faith – ice ice baby

the sun is coming up and im good as new.. yup Flu gw ilang and now lets have some fun.. btw, i don't like heights, but i do like games, especially when it involves water.. so, mandi sikat gigi beres" and when i look at the mirror, i see a young lady bursting with excitements.. brush my hair and settled.. pas gw kluar, tmn " juga lgi asik nih.. yauda.. disambut ma Hailey yang tiba" triak

Hailey : good morning sweeeeettyyyyyyyy...
gw : hi sweeeeeettttyyyy (laughing)
Hailey : gmn tidurnya? uda sembuh?
gw : udah dongg
Hailey : mentor lo sapa?
gw : jane, lo?
Hailey : entah, orang nya SKSD bgt gila

haha jadi jadwal acara hari ini itu hiking with all mentor.. grup gw itu gw jane di pair up with group nya Vick.. okelah.. tp Vick kambuh.. jadi cool dan diem.. something is wrong about him.. and im kinda worry..

Mulai hiking Vick udah pucet setengah mati.. and then dia gk bisa napas.. udaranya dingin bgt gw takut Vick kenapa"

gw : you ok Vick?
Vick : .. i hate that question
gw : hmm i'm sorry
Vick : don't worry about me
gw ;hff ok

so akhirnya kita jalan.. di tengah track hiking tiba tiba suhu udara drop.. gw cek termometer gw.. dengan tololnya gw cari" suhu pake termometer badan, however it works.. 10 degree celcius... it's so cold
Vick kan mentor.. jadi mentor pertama Jane di depan, and dia dibelakang.. gw pas bgt di depan dia when


Vick Collapsed

gw shock, parah Vick pingsan.. ps gw pegang tangannya, it was as cold as ice, dingin parah..
Jane ama gw balik and digantiin sama kakak kelas yg laen.. Jane and gw nganter vick ke pos pertama.. da guru disa yang bawa kita ke rumah sakit gk jauh dari camping site..
Jane pergi ama guru gw buat ngurus paperworknya vick and gw alone in this room watching him resting helpless

tiba" tangan Vick gerak, whispering the word "Fae" ..
gw uda gk tau mau ngapain yah gw cuma megang tangannya aja.. VIck, whats wrong? what's ging on cause somehow, he is keeping a secret with me, and its huge.. its cold and silent.. Vick, he's getting worse

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