Friday, October 14, 2011

leap of faith - Finale

gw : Vick, now is probably the best time to say something
Vick : (long pause) what to say?
gw : anything, say anything
Vick : i'm more interested in what you've got to say
gw : well.. i have a lot
Vick : (masih dengerin)
gw : i don't know, well now i know, but, im.. well yeah.. (bingung)
Vick : from the heart Fae, from the heart
gw : (deep breath) i thought that love doesn't exist, that's obvious. i thought it's just hormones or something, it's not real and soon will be over. I've been hurt, and since then, i built a huge high wall to stop me from falling in love. But then you come along and those high wall is slowly and gently collapsing, and i can feel the freedom again. i can laugh again, i can smile again, i feel warm and the emptiness is filled with joy. I'm not expecting forgiveness from you, it's the risk i have to take but i do want you to...

gw blom selsai ngomong, and Vick softly grabbed my face and KISS me.. it was my first kiss, and it is indescribable.. my heart stopped for a while, i feel warm inside and full and joyous and confused and shocked and so much more. It's not long, it's not short, it was enough
Vick smiled, he let me go from his hand and run his finger through my hair. we stared on
each other's eyes

Vick : you don't need to apologize, i forgive you since the first time i heard you call my name.
gw : (smile)
Vick : i do have one question
gw : yeah?
Vick : how do i collapsed those massive wall, sounds impossible
gw : simple, being you, just you
Vick : wow, your words move me a little

gw gk bisa jawab apa" hahaha talk less.. tapi mau gimana lagi haha

Vick : i hate to ruined the moment, because this is a very special moment for me, but.
gw : ??
Vick : we're late for class
gw : hahahahahaha gw kira apaan
Vick : i'm serious
gw : oh, okay

kita berdua lari ke kelas, and then gw ngeliat dia lari di sebelah gw... gw jadi inget hari pertama kita ketemu, the first time i really know him.. hari galau gw ditinggal Hailey yng mau pulang brg Alfred, and buku gw jatoh di depan loker and dia ngulurin tangan and ask me " what's you name?" baju seragamnya agak berkobar kebelakang, inget kalo dia sakit, tapi mukanya gk kek org sakit, dia uda sehat, persis bgt sama hari pertama gw ketemu dia, fun, fearless just Vick

that moment i realized that love is real, in the right moment, in the right time, with the right person. i learned that you'll never know who's going to be the person that gonna catch you when you fall, so better fall and don't know who'll catch you, rather than forcing your self not to fall and make the right person waits.
Love is a LEAP OF FAITH and when you see a bright light, and your heart agrees with your mind, you just have to JUMP


Monday, October 10, 2011

leap of faith - trying

Senin gw kesekolah.. gw sih beranggapan Vick uda gk sekolah lagi karena dia uda pamitan ama gw.. yah emang bener sih dari pagi gw gk ngeliat ada tanda" kehadiran Vick di sekolah.. Pas makan siang, gw makan sendiri.. ngeliat bangku kursi didepan gw kosong masih agak unbelievable buat gw.. pandangan gw ke kursi itu buyar pas Hailey and Alfred dateng duduk di meja gw

Hailey : hei
Alfred : hi
gw : sup guys?
Hailey : have you told him?
gw: who?
Alfred : Vick?
gw : he don't want to talk with me.. sooo.. yeah
Hailey : no way
Alfred : sounds not like Vick
Hailey : iya gk mungkin lah
gw : he's dissapointed, nothing i can do
Alfred: Fae???
gw : haha, relax guys, i've made a mistake, i've been selfish to Vick and all of you.. this is the consequences i need to handle
Hailey : you don't have to carry this by your self
Alfred: (mikir)
gw : (smile and leave) see you guys soon

gw ke patio.. brusaha nyari ketenangan yang mungkin bisa bantu gw untuk mikir straight.. dudk disitu lumayan lama.. nginget" lagi gw ama Vick kek gmn..
sampe gw denger ada foot steps yang ke arah gw.. Vick ada di situ

gw : Vick?
Vick : (diem cool bgt, tgnny dimasukin ke kantong)
gw : listen..... i'm really sorry..i'm truly sincerely sorry.. gw uda egois bgt dan gk pernah mikirin perasaan lu.. but you need to know that gw gk punya hub apa" ama Roy... dan gw sayang bgt ama lu.. gw cuman berharap, lu bisa maafin gw
Vick : (masih diem)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

leap of faith - Left

gw masih ada di Patio itu.. mikir gmn caranya untuk ngomong ke Vick.. realizing he's gone.. really gone.. gw gk tau dia kemana, bakal ketemu lagi atau nggak atau gmn.. gw mikir kalo gw udah bnr" kehilangan Vick.. inget waktu pertama kali kenal, btapa isengnya dia, btapa ramah n misteriusgw jadi makin galau, entah gmn, air mata gw netes.. oh plese, gw bukan anak yang suka nangis, mnrut gw nangis itu selain caper, nunjukin kalo gw itu lemah dan gk tough.. gw gk suka nangis, tapi ar mata itu netes bkn krn gw mau.

Hailey dateng ke patio, meluk gw sambil nanya

Hailey : Fae, knp?
gw : Vick..
Hailey : Vick knp
gw : dia pergi
Hailey : loh, emang kan 2 minggu
gw : dia tadi udah balik
Hailey : trus?
gw : jadi gw lagi di lab kimia, and Roy dateng, dia ngomong kalo dia suka ama gw and Vick ada di depan pintu.. dia liat, trus dia pergi
Hailey : ...... i'm so sorry (meluk gw lagi)
gw : see? gw cape Hail, masa gw harus sakit hati lagi kek gini
Hailey : what?
gw : semakin gw buka hati gw buat seseorang pasti gw berakhir sakit hati
Hailey : Faith, you're a smart clever girl, somehow you're being so stupid.. you're so afraid to fall in love that you didn't realize how much a guy love you, and now instead of fighting for it, you regret it, i mean if you really hate to be sad, than find him, say you're sorry and fix it!
gw : is it too late?
Hailey : course not, go tell him the truth, how you feel and what you want..
gw : ok

gw pergi dari patio nyari Vick.. dia ada dmn aja gw gk tau.. jadi gw cari" dia keliling sekolah.. Vick uda gk ada di sekolah..
balik belajar gw masih mikirn Vick.. and when i got home, gw lsg mampir ke rumah Vick.. dia juga gk ada dirumah..
gw udah desperate, sampe akhirnya i decide to go to the ice cream store.. cuman es krim yang bisa bantu gw buat senyum lagi

gw naek sepeda gw ke toko es krim.. gw lit platform nya.. inget banget waktu makan es krim disini brg Vick..
pas gw masuk, gw lsg ke kasir tempat order es krim

ice cream girl : Faith, usual order?
gw : yeah, extra choco chip please
ice cream girl : comin right up

abis ambil orderan es krim gw, gw duduk di tempat gw sama Vick makan es krim kemaren.. sambil ngeliat keluar jendela. trus pintu toko kebuka


Vick masuk ke toko Ice cream, i watched him ordering the same ice cream i orederd and aktu dia puter badan, dia ngeliat gw, dia tadinya mau lsg pergi, tapi gw panggil

gw : Vick
Vick : later Fae

and then he left me, alone and pathetic

Saturday, October 8, 2011

leap of faith - Shocked

Hari ini hari jumat, hari senin ini Vick balik dari his rehab or something lah.. and i can't believe this, but this is the firs time i have missed somebody so bad.. gw bisa bnr" nyaman kalo ma Vick.. dan dengan dia pergi, gw ngerasa a little bit lonely..
Hari itu gw lagi ngerjain percobaan gw di lab kimia, and pintu lab kebuka

Roy : may i come in?
gw : udah masuk ini
Roy : do i bother you?
gw : (dalem hati sih iya) knp?
Roy : i want to talk with you
gw : yeah
Roy : Fae, gw mau minta maaf.. gw pernah nyakitin lu, dan itu keanak"an bgt
gw : ...
Roy : Fae... I Like you (megang tangan gw) ican't stop thinking about you since the time i saw you raise your hand, i remember how you talk, you smile, how you look at me.. my heart skips a beat everytime you're near.. i'm trying to be better, more mature.. i really like you
gw : Roy..(huh?)

gw buang muka ke arah pintu, and there, Vick was standing right there, he smiled and whispered "good bye"
gw bnr" kaget.. pertama Roy confessed his feeling and second Vick heard it!
Vick gk seharusnya uda pulang, dia balik hari senin kan kok sekarang dia uda pulang?? dan kok dia bisa tau gw ada di ruang kimia, dan dia denger Roy ngomong apa..

gw : Roy, i have to go
Roy : wait, would you be mine?
gw : i really have to go

in a hurry, gw nyari Vick secepetnya... jjur gw lebih pgn tau keadaan Vick dari pada ngurusin Roy.. and then i saw Vick in the patio

gw : Vick!
Vick : (gk nengok)
gw : hey, how was the therapy?
Vick : it was.. usual.. congratulation with Roy
gw : heh?
Vick : you finnaly get what you want.. congratulation
gw : what, no
Vick : (jalan pergi)
gw : where are you going?
Vick : leaving
gw : so what? because of Roy, there's nothing between me and Roy
Vick : oh please, you never want to fall into another guy's arms other than Roy
gw : no that's not true
Vick : save it Fae, selama ini lu ngerasa kalo cuman lo doang yang pernah sakit hati.. sekarang lu pikir aja perasaan gw.. yng suka slama lu dari awal tapi gk pernah dianggap, dan lebih milih sodara gw yang jauh lebih perfect dari pada gw.. gw uda kek hidup dibawah bayang" Roy..
gw : Vick
VIck : i'm out of here

dia pergi dan gw gk bisa ngapa"in.. selangkah demi selangkah Vick pergi.. gw gk pernah tau kalo Vick itu suka ama gw.. dan sekarang gw tau, kalo gw emang salah.. gw sebenernya slalu nutupin perasaan gw ke vick, dan sekarang, gw udah kehilangan dia