Sunday, October 9, 2011

leap of faith - Left

gw masih ada di Patio itu.. mikir gmn caranya untuk ngomong ke Vick.. realizing he's gone.. really gone.. gw gk tau dia kemana, bakal ketemu lagi atau nggak atau gmn.. gw mikir kalo gw udah bnr" kehilangan Vick.. inget waktu pertama kali kenal, btapa isengnya dia, btapa ramah n misteriusgw jadi makin galau, entah gmn, air mata gw netes.. oh plese, gw bukan anak yang suka nangis, mnrut gw nangis itu selain caper, nunjukin kalo gw itu lemah dan gk tough.. gw gk suka nangis, tapi ar mata itu netes bkn krn gw mau.

Hailey dateng ke patio, meluk gw sambil nanya

Hailey : Fae, knp?
gw : Vick..
Hailey : Vick knp
gw : dia pergi
Hailey : loh, emang kan 2 minggu
gw : dia tadi udah balik
Hailey : trus?
gw : jadi gw lagi di lab kimia, and Roy dateng, dia ngomong kalo dia suka ama gw and Vick ada di depan pintu.. dia liat, trus dia pergi
Hailey : ...... i'm so sorry (meluk gw lagi)
gw : see? gw cape Hail, masa gw harus sakit hati lagi kek gini
Hailey : what?
gw : semakin gw buka hati gw buat seseorang pasti gw berakhir sakit hati
Hailey : Faith, you're a smart clever girl, somehow you're being so stupid.. you're so afraid to fall in love that you didn't realize how much a guy love you, and now instead of fighting for it, you regret it, i mean if you really hate to be sad, than find him, say you're sorry and fix it!
gw : is it too late?
Hailey : course not, go tell him the truth, how you feel and what you want..
gw : ok

gw pergi dari patio nyari Vick.. dia ada dmn aja gw gk tau.. jadi gw cari" dia keliling sekolah.. Vick uda gk ada di sekolah..
balik belajar gw masih mikirn Vick.. and when i got home, gw lsg mampir ke rumah Vick.. dia juga gk ada dirumah..
gw udah desperate, sampe akhirnya i decide to go to the ice cream store.. cuman es krim yang bisa bantu gw buat senyum lagi

gw naek sepeda gw ke toko es krim.. gw lit platform nya.. inget banget waktu makan es krim disini brg Vick..
pas gw masuk, gw lsg ke kasir tempat order es krim

ice cream girl : Faith, usual order?
gw : yeah, extra choco chip please
ice cream girl : comin right up

abis ambil orderan es krim gw, gw duduk di tempat gw sama Vick makan es krim kemaren.. sambil ngeliat keluar jendela. trus pintu toko kebuka


Vick masuk ke toko Ice cream, i watched him ordering the same ice cream i orederd and aktu dia puter badan, dia ngeliat gw, dia tadinya mau lsg pergi, tapi gw panggil

gw : Vick
Vick : later Fae

and then he left me, alone and pathetic

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