Vick : (long pause) what to say?
gw : anything, say anything
Vick : i'm more interested in what you've got to say
gw : well.. i have a lot
Vick : (masih dengerin)
gw : i don't know, well now i know, but, im.. well yeah.. (bingung)
Vick : from the heart Fae, from the heart
gw : (deep breath) i thought that love doesn't exist, that's obvious. i thought it's just hormones or something, it's not real and soon will be over. I've been hurt, and since then, i built a huge high wall to stop me from falling in love. But then you come along and those high wall is slowly and gently collapsing, and i can feel the freedom again. i can laugh again, i can smile again, i feel warm and the emptiness is filled with joy. I'm not expecting forgiveness from you, it's the risk i have to take but i do want you to...
gw blom selsai ngomong, and Vick softly grabbed my face and KISS me.. it was my first kiss, and it is indescribable.. my heart stopped for a while, i feel warm inside and full and joyous and confused and shocked and so much more. It's not long, it's not short, it was enough
Vick smiled, he let me go from his hand and run his finger through my hair. we stared on
each other's eyes
Vick : you don't need to apologize, i forgive you since the first time i heard you call my name.
gw : (smile)
Vick : i do have one question
gw : yeah?
Vick : how do i collapsed those massive wall, sounds impossible
gw : simple, being you, just you
Vick : wow, your words move me a little
gw gk bisa jawab apa" hahaha talk less.. tapi mau gimana lagi haha
Vick : i hate to ruined the moment, because this is a very special moment for me, but.
gw : ??
Vick : we're late for class
gw : hahahahahaha gw kira apaan
Vick : i'm serious
gw : oh, okay
kita berdua lari ke kelas, and then gw ngeliat dia lari di sebelah gw... gw jadi inget hari pertama kita ketemu, the first time i really know him.. hari galau gw ditinggal Hailey yng mau pulang brg Alfred, and buku gw jatoh di depan loker and dia ngulurin tangan and ask me " what's you name?" baju seragamnya agak berkobar kebelakang, inget kalo dia sakit, tapi mukanya gk kek org sakit, dia uda sehat, persis bgt sama hari pertama gw ketemu dia, fun, fearless just Vick
that moment i realized that love is real, in the right moment, in the right time, with the right person. i learned that you'll never know who's going to be the person that gonna catch you when you fall, so better fall and don't know who'll catch you, rather than forcing your self not to fall and make the right person waits.
Love is a LEAP OF FAITH and when you see a bright light, and your heart agrees with your mind, you just have to JUMP
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